About us

Mission Statement
We are consulting civil, structural and project engineers, development consultants and project managers. We endeavor to provide cost effective and innovative solutions to engineering problems. We embrace the principles of quality by striving to meet the express and implied needs of our customers every time.
Corporate Social Responsibility
We embrace and support the principles of Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment as embodied by the Construction Charter. We have adopted a transformation strategy to advance to at least level 4 of the Construction Charter. This will entail, among others to assist our black staff members through training and mentorship to grow into management positions. We encourage our personnel to further their studies through our bursary scheme. We also assist various fulltime students with bursaries. We are assisting small Black Businesses to develop through our enterprise development programme and are investing in the communities when we work as part of Corporate Social Investment.
List of client logos (waiting for info)

- Quality Management System
- Affiliate & Accreditation
- Mentoring and Skills Development
- Empowerment
Quality Management System
Endecon Ubuntu deploys an in-house Quality Management System that is audited by Exova BM Trada and meets the requirements of Standard ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System. The scope of accreditation is: Professional Consulting Engineering Services, Project Management and Design. ISO 9001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for our quality management system. The Management System of Endecon Ubuntu provides information on management directed initiatives and arrangements. It also defines the scope of the management system and provides an overview of the business processes, document control and interested parties within the organisation. The leadership of Endecon Ubuntu views the management system as an integral component of managerial control and remains committed to its maintenance and continual improvement.
Endecon Ubuntu is an affiliate and member of CESA (Consulting Engineers of South Africa). CESA is the custodian of the well-being of the industry, supported by member firms. Endecon Ubuntu upholds the integrity of the industry by adhering to a professional code of ethics providing quality and cost-effective professional consulting engineering services.
Affiliations and Accreditations
We strive that all our Professional Engineers are registered with ECSA (The Engineering Council of South Africa). Professional registration assures the public that that an Engineer’s competence has been assessed by other professionals, who are knowledgeable in their field of expertise. We encourage young and Graduate Engineers to register as Candidates with ECSA in order to assist them to become Professional Engineers. ECSA’s primary role is the regulation of the engineering profession in terms of the Engineering Profession Act, 2000, (Act 46 of 2000) as well as other relevant Acts.
Mentoring and Skills Development
In order for Skills Development and Transfer to occur within the Civil Engineering industry, there must be a Skills Development and transfer strategy. Therefore, Endecon Ubuntu has developed its own in-house document and associated Skills Development programme to serve as a guideline on how to address Skills Development in the Company. Young professionals / employees and recent graduates are the most affected people who lack skills and shall benefit from ourprogramme. As part of the strategy a Skills Audit Plan, Skills Development- and Transfer Plan, and subsequent associated interaction of stakeholders have been developed andfacilitated. The involvement of employees and graduates in the decision-making,skills development programmes, and research & development, will all help in developing and transferring skills. We believe that when our experienced Civil Engineering practitioners and acknowledged industry experts retire, young professionals will have / should havegarnered enough experience and knowledge in the field in order to be independent, trusted and reliable Civil Engineers with the necessary technical knowledge and know-how to ensure the implementation of safe, sustainable, and efficient / reliable engineering solutions and infrastructure.
Empowerment (B-BBEE)
The following Regional Offices of the Endecon Ubuntu Group are B-BBEE Level 1 contributors:
- Endecon Ubuntu Mpumalanga (Pty) Ltd
- Endecon Ubuntu Gauteng (Pty) Ltd
- Endecon Ubuntu Limpopo (Pty) Ltd
- Endecon Ubuntu KZN (Pty) Ltd
- Endecon Ubuntu North West (Pty) Ltd
- Endecon Ubuntu Africa (Pty) Ltd
Health and Safety Policy
According to our Health and Safety Policy and Health and Safety Manual, Endecon Ubuntu is desirous to provide and maintain, as far as reasonably practicable, a working environment that is safe and without risk to the health of the Company’s employees. It is therefore the Company’s policy to ensure safe work practices are implemented and maintained that will ensure a safe and healthy work environment. The Purpose of the Health and Safety Manual is to outline the Company’s Policy and Management commitment to the health and safety of the employees.Access to the Company Health and Safety Manual is available to all staff involved in the running of the system. Access to other staff and third-party auditors will be granted on the QMS Server.
To ensure successful implementation of this policy, Endecon Ubuntu is committed to:
- Comply with all applicable laws, acts, regulations, license- and permit conditions as a minimum standard for its HSE practices and management procedures.
- Maintain an HSE programme based on the principles of continuous improvement, pollution prevention and minimal impact on the environment.
- Integrate HSE considerations into all activities.
- Facilitate the education of employees in relation to their roles and responsibilities and ensure that all/everyone accept their own responsibilities fully.
- Adopt best Health and Safety Practices in all operations.
- Prevent, eliminate and/or control identifiable hazards to eliminate injury, illness and environmental impact.
- Monitor and assess all accidents and incidents through the completion of detailed reports and follow-up of recommended actions.
- Train all employees, contractors and visitors to reduce risk from inappropriate practices.
- Perform regular Health and Safety audits and inspections to assess the performance of the site.
- Hold relevant Health and Safety meetings to ensure all matters are appropriately addressed.